Pastor Bisi

Bisi Adeyeye


Life Scripture

Then Peter opened his mouth and said: In truth I Perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every Nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him – Acts 10:34-35


I was so blessed to be married to my sweetheart Kike, because through her witnessing and her prayer for me, I gave my life to Christ. We are blessed with 4 children: Adeniran, Adefisayo, Adeola, and Adesegun.

I graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park in December of 1988, where I studied Marketing management. My wife came to join me from Nigeria in the summer of 1989, we immediately moved to Los Angeles, California, for me to study Fashion Design at FIDM and worked for Robinson May company, Downtown Los Angeles, as an Assistant Department manager. My wife was on fire for God, but I was unsaved.

I gave my life to Christ in the summer of 1990 at Crenshaw Christian Center, in Los Angeles after some months of prayer and intercession for me by my wife. I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues 3 weeks after, and I never looked back since then.

Shortly after, we moved to Inland Empire where we joined the Rock Christian Church and world Outreach Center. We both graduated from The Rock Bible College in 2002, We were very blessed to be trained in various leadership positions at The Rock where we served for about 25 years before I was called to be an Associate Pastor at the 1st Christian Church of Beaumont in 2021.

We were inspired to start this Church as my wife and I were praying over the city of Beaumont.


Shopping with my wife when time permits, listening to music and having a quiet time.

Favorite Foods / Restaurant

Chinese Food and African Food ( Kike makes the best fried rice)